Welcome Friends and Happy Autumn to you all :) I am Lady Jewell, sometimes known in the online world as Elf Girl.
It's been a long while since I've updated my website. I will be putting things back in place slowly but surely :)
I will begin with my spirit pages! I would love to display all my lovely gifts and spirited things ~ so that is going to be my priority! Eventually I will put all my poems and fairy adoptions & such back in place ~ so be sure to stay tuned!!
Click the Spirit Button below to enter Lady Jewell's Spirit Realm!!
Dreams Within Dreams
I have gone out and seen the lands of Faery,
And have found sorrow and peace and beauty there,
And have not known one from the other, but found each
Lovely and gracious alike, delicate and fair.
"They are children of one mother, she that is called Longing,
Desire, Love," one told me: and another, "Her secret name
Is Wisdom": and another, "They are not three but one":
And another, "Touch them not, seek them not, they are wind and flame."
I have come back from the hidden, silent land of Faery
And have forgotten the music of its ancient streams:
And now flame and wind and the long, grey, wandering wave
And beauty and peace and sorrow are dreams within dreams.
*~Fiona Macleod~*
Someone said ~
Believe in your other side
It's there in your head, and waiting...
for a ride
Best viewed 800x600
Last Updated 11/3/02